Friday, December 28, 2007


"I am not much of a brow beater. I'm not overbearing. I'm not all up in your face, give me what I want NOW or I'll make your life living hell. I'm not "show me the money!" And I'm not exactly, frigid. I have feelings too ...the girl in the cubicle next to me is playing the theme song to Cheers! "You want be where everyone knows your name!" How ironic. Isn't that so common? It's like I just want to be in place where I feel comfortable. Where my name is touted with a familiar grin, tongue & cheek laughter and the coziness of a full belly and a room full of people who have the same griefs to bare as me ... ho ho him. "

Yet something is amiss. The year 2007 has been a year of Total Release. Missing from my closet are those terrible anxieties and insecurities. Will I have enough money? Will I fail? Am I failing right now? Who art thou? Where art thou going? Yeah, yeah ... Been there ...done that ... This year was about me finding contentment with myself ... not looking at myself through the eyes of judgement but embracing myself for who I am ... and Growing with the flow ... I have more to say but I'll have to continue later ...

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